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Advanced GET by eSignal

Make Your Best Trades with Advanced GET

The Advanced GET edition of eSignal trading software combines the power of eSignal advanced charting, back testing and your choice of over 50 brokers with award-winning technical analysis software, including exclusive indicators found nowhere else. You also receive 3 months of mentoring sessions from the experts.
Call us for more details or sign up now for Advanced GET trading software and start making better trades today!

Call Now for Details: +91-33-40050099

Advanced GET by eSignal

4 Core Advanced GET Strategies

4 Core Advanced GET Strategies

Elliot Type 1

A trend continuation trade used to discover the consistent portion of a trending market.
(Duration: 14:37 minutes)

False Bar Stochastic

The trade with the fewest moving parts and a high degree of accuracy. (Duration: 19:02 minutes)

Elliot Type 2

A countertrend trade that attempts to predict the end of the trend
(Duration: 8:12 minutes)

(eXpert Trend Locator)

Lower in probability than the rest of our core strategies, but they reward you with large returns
(Duration: 17:25 minutes)